Softcore TNT porn series Animal Kingdom always delivers, and while upping a straight-up gay ass-to-mouth scene (from last season) seems challenging and most likely impossible, I'm not going to kick Ben Robson's latest ass peek in the new season out of bed! Robson seems to be one of the few surfer brah dudes on Animal Kingdom to not aggressively fuck guys while struggling to embrace his homosexuality. But guess what. He's still got one of the most truly squeezable asses in showbiz, so I'll give him a pass!
Last night's episode titled "In the Red" continued the series' ass parade by giving us a look at Robson's waxed goodness as he bends over to slip on his culottes. This follows a great look at Shawn Hatosy's smooth ass in the shower from the previous week's episode (pic in gallery.) Which followed about five hundred smooth man asses before him. Often times show creators have a trademark that they carry out through the series. Wonder. What. Smooth man ass. It. Could. Be. Smooth man ass. In. Animal. Kingdom. #SmoothManAss.