Matthew Rush leaving Falcon Studios had us hankering for some seriously old school smut from the gay porn stalwart. It's good to see their quality has been high throughout their history.
This vintage clip from the movie "Plunge" offers all the things that made Falcon what it was in the early days: buff, hairless guys with big hair and tanlines fucking by the pool. The only thing hotter and gayer in the '80s was Tom Cruise playing shirtless volleyball in "Top Gun." Though the clip is only short, it's easy to see why Falcon has always been such a great success. They get the hottest guys and just let them have at it. While we love a great set and story and costumes and all that stuff, when it comes to smut more than anything else, it's the sex that sells. Falcon did great things before its mascot Matthew Rush and, as much as some wouldn't like to think so, they're going to be making awesome flicks for years.
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&midd0t"Plunge" (