One of the most undeniably original artists in the gay porn world is Damien Moreau, and he' just released a trailer, as well as the first episode of his latest mini-series titled OH BOY. According to Damien's website...
O H B O Y is a mini-series focused on the sexuality of men following a loose and subtle narrative featuring occasional reoccurring characters and their personal exploration of sex.
The first episode, SÉBASTIAN, stars Sébastian Venablo as a dancer and choreographer living in Mexico City and exploring a little self love. With influences as far flung as James Bidgood, Jean Genet, Jeanne Moreau, and Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Moreau's work is endlessly fascinating, and I can't wait to see how this series unfolds. The first episode is available for purchase directly from Damien's website.