People are messing their britches over Henry Cavill's new muscle and body hair-forward Instagram post-workout pic, with the biggest difference between this and his usual muscly goodness being the new pube neck situation. Superman has been dazzling and delighting us with all sorts of facial hair variations throughout the summer - and I'd even say that the drippiest I ever got for him was in the first pic below, which I covered like a doting teen girl here - but something is just not coming together with the neck and face hair sitch, and mama's not wowed.
There's also something about his Demi Lovato for Fabletics tank that just isn't doing it for me today. In fact, I'd say that the only three ingredients in this that could potentially cook up something in my loins are the manliest of muscles, hot chest hair, and that cute little Kirsten Dunst tooth that I've never noticed before! But like, keep the bush. I'm good. Do you want to rub your face against the pubic hair on Cavill's neck? Spillz!
DISCLAIMER: Now that I read this I feel the need to say I had a salad for lunch today and am hangry as fuck. Tomorrow I'll probably want Cavill to get a stoma so I can fuck his neck. I mean, bye. I need some damn food.