Who art thou, Austin Mahone? I have literally never heard of the ::Googles furiously:: twenty-two-year-old international singing sensation, but apparently he's a BFD, and good ol' TMZ brought him to my attention by featuring his hottest shirtless moments ever in the most random TMZ post ever. Mahone has a whopping 10 million Instagram followers, so he's far from the no-buddies that we sometimes like to dabble in here. He's a some-buddy. But I'd like for him to be my... cum-buddy.
NE WAYZ, recently Mahone posted a workout video that proves once and for all that he has the absolute perfect bod - ripped arms and pecs that taper into the flattest stomach this side of the Mississippi. I know some of you don't have room for a billionth hot as hell twenty-something-year-old perpetually shirtless social media sensation in your lives. But just pretend that it's your b-hole on a Saturday night. Make room damnit.