We're not sure why you're sitting inside and reading about our online obsessions when you can be outside making your own during this gayest of the gay weekends ... but in case you're still planning on showing the world how proud you are this weekend, consider today's Boyblog Booty Call a form of foreplay.
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The last time we checked on Tiger Tyson he was teaming up with Owen Hawk to create "The Show: Part 1", a reality-type sexcapade. Apparently, shooting the movie in that huge Gothic mansion must have made an impression because Tiger Tyson's brand new blog is part Martha Stewart, part Anais Nin and all raunchy. In between trading recipes for mac and cheese, Tiger details his travels plans and gives fans a behind-the-scenes peek at his new movies.
·Tiger Tyson Blog (http://tigertysonblog.com)
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Usually, we try to stop in Brazil during our weekly boyblog posting. Ah, Portugal, land of flamenco and Cristiano Ronaldo. Salsa & Pimenta is a hot Portuguese blog that covers all things pop culture, so look for frequent Cristiano postings, as well as Greek models, the obligatory Madonna obsession and hotties wearing tight undies. We may put this blog in heavy rotation.
· Salsa e Pimenta(rodonline.typepad.com)
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The QueerClick boys introduce Elliot by saying, "We knew you'd definitely want more." Unfortunately, they don't link to his previous photosets (ahem). Apparently young Elliot modeled for "Freshmen" so we'll be looking through their back issues as well.
· "More Elliot Malone at MenMachine.com" (queerclick.com/),
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Three weeks ago we discovered Closet Conundrums, and they're back on our radar this week with another megapost that features some truly outstanding men that we haven't seen anywhere else. Hopefully you'll be keeping them on your radar as well.
· "It's almost friday..." (closetconundrums.com)
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Previously: Boyblog Booty Call Archive