So yeah, we've been pretty disappointed in New York Fashion Week so far. Sure, Louboutins are hot and sexy, but we'd rather see stuff guys can wear outside the boudoir. And more importantly, as we reported earlier, there's been very little manflesh striding down the runways--which seems kind of odd because we understand there are quite a few gays in fashion business in New York who like that sort of thing. And plus, you know, it's hot in the city right now, so where are the swimsuits? In our misery, we trolled YouTube a bit, and found that Singapore--yes, that wacky city-state that hates litter and loves caning--not only has its own fashion week but that their edition of it contains all the exposed manflesh we've been pining for. Check the backstage and onstage G-rated fun after the jump.
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• "un-censored, un-cut, un-derwear!" at