While all the straight boys out there are trying to earn some extra scratch voting on college bowl games, we scratched our itch for hot guys with top models of 2008.
The beefcake website has put together a montage of their most requested, talked about, and clicked on models of the past year. While this is an annual occurrence (and quite a welcome one) this is the first year that we get to vote on the top 15 finalists to determine their top guy of the year. Amid the photos and video clips, you'll notice a few old friends, including super hot modelBryan Thomas. Another person of interest, as our friends at Queer Me Now pointed out, is former Bel Ami boy Jakub Stefano, pictured above. Plenty of you boys have voted for him with all five fingers, now you can vote for him with just one on your mouse. Or vote for one of the other slabs of beautiful meat, either way, we're all winners in this contact sport.
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All American Guys Top 15 for 2008 from MADCINE on Vimeo.
·All American Guys Top 15 of 2008 (vimeo.com)