We don't know if it's the mustache, the hat, or the cigarette, but something about this video makes us think that it was made by a revolutionary leader. How do you think Castro or Che Guevara would feel about this?
Well, we're pretty sure they wouldn't mind. MascBudSDRQ is giving away his porn free for all the people, which is a very communistic way to do it. And he's not even smoking his prop cigarett— instead, he's saving it in case the revolution to come means that he may not have access to such bourgeois entitlements. And he gets himself off, which shows that he has such dedication to the cause that he's willing to see it through to the inevitable and sometime violent spasm of change that will accompany it's conclusion. No matter what this guy stands for, he can certainly count on us to champion his cause.
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· Skaol Jackin (xtube.com)