Check out these digitals of up and coming Polish model, Bart Grzybowski. Abercrombie and Fitch has already snatched up this amazing newcomer, which makes sense since his body is so ripped that you could grate cheese on his abdominals.
We just love the cocky, intense look he's got going on in these digitals from Front Models. His is the sort of sneer that you only get when your hotness is so great that it actually makes lesser models quiver beneath their skinny jeans and architectural tops. Admittedly, we can't help but think that the boy could use a haircut. We don't want to see him with shorter hair, per se, just something a little more structured than the moptop he's got going on right now. But why quibble with perfection? You could stick a clown wig on this guy and he'd still make our underwear feel about two sizes too tight.
· Bart Grzybowski Digitals (