We're not ashamed that this wacky, wonderful video of Uncle Jesse and Danny Tanner got us a wee bit tingly. In it, ever sexy John Stamos teaches his patented erotic techniques for turning on your woman in bed. It's no problem that his "woman" is Bob Saget!
This video fulfills our secret wish of seeing our favorite male TV characters get all touchy-feely in bed together—like Dawson and Pacey, Luke and Bo Duke, Gilligan and the Skipper. Thankfully, this isn't one of those condescending videos of "straight guys acting gay." At face value, it's a pretty good how-to video on arousing your partner, even with cutsie techniques like the "Stamos Spoonful" and the "Stamos S'Touching."
Watch it now, then keep reading.
Wasn't that grand?! Now, some uptight queens may find that final gag homophobic. But Johnnie-boy's surprise reaction is less about h8, and more that 1) that's his bud, and 2) it's frickin' Bob Sagat. Not that Bob isn't a handsome man, but wouldn't you react the same?
· John Stamos' Guide to Cuddling (collegehumor.com)