That Chip Tanner is one wacky fella. Now that he's finished cybering with himself and fine-tuning his Revisionist Christian doctrine, he's decided to make his most…um…explosive video yet. Caution: this video is not for the weak of heart (or belly).
Chip starts of this video tackling another interesting and important issue with his standard satirical edge-age of consent laws. After summarizing some very official-looking scientific documents detailing the development of the human brain, he makes the hairbrained logical conclusion that the age of consent should be bumped up to 25. But wait…even he's not 25. And a lot of people have had sex with people under the age of 25. Does that make us all..pedophiles! Blargh!!!
That was the sound of Chip throwing up. Question…was that real or fake? We were pretty convinced that he was actually ill, and we can't figure out how one would make themselves throw up without pulling the trigger, so to speak. Also, is Chip Tanner fucking nuts? It's a distinct possibility.