Wolf Hudson is no stranger to prostituting himself for awards. We're here to help! After offering to teabag everyone to become a co-host of the Grabbys this spring, he has an even better tactic to win a CyberSocket Web Award.
Now he is stepping up his game. We're not going to tell you what it is, but if you watch the video below it will be obvious. And hilarious. Wolf, consider your ass voted for! It's actually genius to hijack the system so, especially because this is one of the only awards that the fans decide.
Well, we're not going to prostitute ourselves like some people, but we'll tell you this. There is a certain all-pink gay porn blog that is also up for an award. If you go and vote for Wolf, vote for us too. And if both Wolf and Fleshbot take home a trophy, well, you'll get to perform to perform an unspeakable act on Mr. Hudson. Never say we didn't give you anything.
·Vote for (Fleshbot! in) the CyberSocket Web Awards (cybersocketwebawards.com)