It's a little bit of Christmas in April for the size queen in all of us ... or not so little, as the case may be: Taschen's new "The Big Penis Book" is a hefty compendium featuring more than 400 photos of "spectacular male endowments" (you know, in case you hadn't figured that out already from the title). Edited by the illustrious Dian Hanson, the photos in the collection range from vintage porn stills and classic images from studios like AMG, COLT, and Old Reliable to archival images of the legendary John Holmes, with a heavy swollen particular emphasis on shots from the 70s. Unfortunately for you if your mouth is watering as much as ours is right now, the book won't be released until the end of May; fortunately for us, both Taschen and Germany's Manner Aktuell have been generous with previews, which you'll find after the jump.
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· "The Big Penis Book" (
· Order: "The Big Penis Book" (Amazon)