"Sideline Secrets" is an erotic gay coming of age film-slash-thriller directed by Steven Vasquez involving a typical (and presumably over 18) high school student coping with studies, a girlfriend, peer pressure, and daydreams about the class jocks. But alert Fleshbot readers/twink fans will recognize star James Townsend by another stage name: as "Dylan Skylar", he appeared on a "Freshman" cover last year as well as in many other chicken-flavored magazines and websites. James/Dylan is also marketing a solo video in which he further flexes his acting chops and demonstrates his ... flexibility. Who says you can't go mainstream after gay porn? -RM
· "Sideline Secrets" (galleries, ordering info, and trailers @ inthepinkprods.com)
· Dylan Skylar: The College Years (galleries, ordering info and mpeg previews @ inthepinkprods.com)
· Model James Townsend (Yahoo! groups; free registration required)
, Meet Jarett Fox